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IPPF’s Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028

IPPF publishes new Strategic Plan

IPPF is delighted to announce the publication of its first ever strategic plan covering the period 2023 – 2028. Following an extensive period of consultation with members, discussion of key priorities for international organisations in the coming years, and with the support of external consultant Sarah Cooke OBE, IPPF has created a new plan to guide our historic organisation into a new era. 

The plan contains a statement of the vision and mission of the IPPF as follows:

Our vision:

Our mission: 

This new strategic plan plots the course for IPPF’s development over the next five years, promising the implementation of ambitious, but realistic, outcomes across four main areas: 

Outcome 1: A better informed research and policy discourse on penal and penitentiary policy

Outcome 2: The development of humane, evidence-based penal and penitentiary standards, policies and practices which protect the human rights of all involved

Outcome 3: IPPF is effective, robust, authoritative, sustainable and efficient

Outcome 4: IPPF has an active and engaged membership

IPPF looks forward to building on its long and distinguished history to continue to shape international discussion and understanding of penal and penitentiary issues in the future. The strategic plan is available here: